Change survey acknowledges ABB
The actual survey of Quest confirms a continuing high change readiness of the machine-builders regarding the control and drive technology. For ABB the survey results are favourable as our products are corresponding to important trends such as the trend to integrated safety engineering at drives or to energy efficient drives.
Powerful integrated safety engineering
Energy efficient drives from ABB save up to 70% of the energy costs
With the energy efficient drives ABB is innovation driver and a worldwide leading manufacturer. Our speed-controlled frequency converters and servo converters save up to 70 per cent of the power costs. Already today we provide in addition a complete range of IE2-Motors as well as a large range of premium efficiency motors of the efficiency class IE3.
ABB - Global Player Partner on export markets
Control and drive technology from a single source
ABB offers package solutions consisting of control and drive technology to the machine-builders – an offer that is ever more strongly perceived. With the control systems AC500 and AC500eco ABB has succeeded in positioning an extremely competitive product on the market already today used with interesting applications.
Automation and Robotics from a single source
Last but not least the reorganisation of the ABB automation divisions is of benefit for the customers. We are striving to strengthen our presence in the manufacturing industry by co-operation with the Robotics division.
Please email for further information to the motors & drives department
Or call directly ABB Production Products GmbH, phone 06203-17 717.