Articles Archive > Control Technologies 2011

Control technologies 2011 - technological change from users’ view

How can the impact of the users, the machine-builders, on the technological change be currently and detailed covered?

The control technologies in the change 2011

November 17th, 2011 - A market survey by Quest TechnoMarketing covered the changes intended by the machine-builders in regard to seven control technologies this year.

The chart shows us at a glance the positions these seven control technologies are going to take in the change of the year 2011:

MP = Microprocessor control, BwC = operator panel with integrated control, Ist = integrated control platform, C = contactor-based control

The diagram covers the respective number of change-willing machine-builders regarding the control technology concerned. Machine-builders that do not change control technologiy this year, are not considered. The changes result in positions of the control technologies:

  • Three control technologies prove as attractive in this year’s change as they are gaining new users and applications (blue bars). These are the PC technology, operator panel with integrated control system (OwC) and the integrated control platform (IC).
  • Two control technologies keep up stable in the change this year, remaining slightly changed in the use (green bars). These are the CNC and the microprocessor control (MP), which is frequently an in-house solution.
  • PLC and contactor-based control technology, however, are losing applications in the current change being substituted by other control technologies (red bars).

Integrated control technologies - attractive in the change

This year it shows up clearly the machine-builders are regarding integrated control technologies as attractive (PC, operator panel with integrated control system, integrated control system platform) preferring them in the change.

The users’ impact on the technological change

Technological change has two sides. The manufacturers create it as new or improved technologies. The users, however, decide, to whatever extent these technologies are actually implemented. The changes of the machine-builders in the use of the technologies result in three positions for the control technologies, i.e.

  • the attractive position gaining new users
  • the stable position keeping up to the use of a control technology slightly adapted
  • the substitution-threatened position substituting one control technology by another.

Thus the impact of the users on the technological change is concretely covered and systematized.

“Voter migration analysis” for technologies

Quest TechnoMarketing, the publisher of this magazine, has developed this method identifying the impact of the users on the technological change.

This analysis is comparable with the voter transition analysis in the context of

parliamentary elections. Similar to the voter transition analysis that records the exchanges of the votes among the parties, the analysis of Quest TechnoMarketing makes the changes among the control technologies visible.


While the voter transition analysis starts after the election our analysis however starts „before the election“, referring to the planning and intentions of the following eight to twelve months. Before market shares of technologies and suppliers have changed, the dynamics of these changes are already announced in this analysis.

This is the analysis’ benefit for machine-builders and manufacturers likewise.

Representative results

38% of the approximately 650 machine-builders with 100 and more employees in the 10 automation-relevant sectors called their planning to Quest TechnoMarketing at the beginning of this year.

The results concentrated to trends by Quest TechnoMarketing are published in the study „What the machine-builders want to change in the automation technology 2011“.


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