Standardised parameter setting and handling for all motor types
Three-phase AC drive or PM motor: ONE frequency converter for all
One of the substantial trends in the drive and automation technology is the strongly rising use of permanent motors (PM motors) displacing the three-phase AC drive slowly but surely with many applications.
PM-motor advantages compared with AC drive
March 19 2010 The reason for this development is based on advantages of the PM motors compared with AC drives such as smaller size with same performance, less losses, a large torque range and speed setting range. These advantages are among other sectors substantial benefits with conveyor or with packaging machines. However, they require a frequency converter in operation.
ONE frequency converter for PM motor or AC drive with Danfoss
Danfoss offers with its modular VLT® frequency converter line a solution that controls conventional three-phase AC drives as well as PM motors with the same devices. They allow controlling PM motors with and even without speed feedback. Optimised control methods provide a safe, reliable and energy efficient operation.
User's benifit is significant
Furthermore this „One-Drive“-concept saves substantially training expenses of the user and end-user since the personnel do not have to learn new operator interfaces or a new system design. It simplifies significantly the inventory of spare parts because there is no need any longer to store for various lines the corresponding devices. And on top of this the available option modules can be used in the frequency converters for all types of motors.
High flexibility selecting motors
Altogether the Danfoss concept offers a high flexibility to the user selecting motor type and motor manufacturer. The VLT® converters can be adapted to existing and new motors at any time.
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