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Fine-tuning of the drive technology continues intensified

The fine-tuning of the drive technology at the machines continues intensified – that indicates the actual planning of the machine-builders this year.

What does fine-tuning mean?

March 20th, 2010 - Fine-tuning excludes replacement at all machines. Rather the focus is on specific machine types. The changes concern specific improvements of the current drive technology. Changes to other new drive technologies are only rare.


So specific improvements of the drive technology on selected machines, just fine adjustments, are at the centre of the change planning of the machine-builders this year.

Finte-tuning is intensifying

With 43% almost each second investigated machine-builder intend changes at the drive technology of selected machines. That is a noticeable amplification in relation to the previous year as the value stood at 30%.

Whereon fine-tuning is concentrated

Fine-tuning the drive technology 2010

The fine-tuning concentrates on three changes of the drive components. These three changes are:

  • Integrated safety engineering at drives substitutes classical safety engineering
  • Servo drives substitute frequency converters
  • Integrated drives (converter in the motor or installed near the motor) substitute non-integrated drives.


54% of the denominations of the machine-builders, willing to change something at the drive technology, cover these three priorities. In the previous year these three priorities occurred likewise, however, they covered 71% of all denominations.

Furthermore the machine-builders have also still „other changes“ in mind combining 17% of all denominations.

Further changes to torque motors et al.

These changes, the diagram subsumes them as „other changes“, concern

  • new device generations or product versions
  • torque motors and
  • linear drives.


So this year the fine-tuning is widened distributed, more versatile and engages almost each second machine-builder.

The change of the drive technology's suppliers

With 52% of the change-willing machine-builders a majority prefers to realise the fine-tuning with the current supplier of the drive technology.

Representative results

These results are based on the actual study of Quest TechnoMarketing „What the machine-builders want to change in the automation technology 2010“. They are representative because 36% of the machine-builders with 100 and more employees in 10 sectors took part that comprises scarcely 250 companies.



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