Germany's industrial production 2008 - 2024 May
Germany's industrial production still in crisis, trend dropping by 2.0% p.a. since October 2018
Germany's industrial production is already examined in the Trend Magazine in connection with industrial production in the most important export countries. A further report identifies the growing range of flurctuations in the industrial production of Germany. Finally highlights a report the growth periods of industrial production since 1991. This report deals with Germany’s industrial since the pre-crisis year 2008 up to the current data of Germany’s Federal Statistical Office.
Update July 10h, 2024 - The diagram shows the original values of the production index over a period of sixteen years from 2008 to 2024. The dotted line indicates the trend of the last twelve months. This identifies in an easy and transparent way industrial production's direction.
Three phases in the trend of industrial production become visible - one growth and two crisis phases.
Growth trend over five years from initial 2013 to October 2018
Industrial production or its trend took three years from the end of 2009 to mid-2012 to emerge from the trough of the global economic crisis of 2008/2009. After a six-month decline, a growth phase, lasting more than five years, began from March 2013 to October 2018. The rate of this growth trend was 1.8% p.a.
Crisis of Germany's industrial production since October 2018
In October 2018, the growth trend in industrial production reached its highest level of 106.5 index points. Since then, the trend in industrial production has been downwards.
The strongest growth within the five-year growth phase from 2013 to 2018 set in at the beginning of 2016. Production repeatedly reached higher highs and higher lows - typical for a growth phase.
But this changed in 2018, when the trend of production was unable to exceed the highs of the previous years (117.9 index points in November 2017), so it no longer grew faster. Its peak value in 2018 was only 113.3 index points in November 2018. Production growth had flattened out leading to a decline in production.
Since October 2018 the trend of industrial production has declined at a rate of 2.0% p.a. until May 2024.
At first the decline intensified because of the Corona crisis. From March 2021 to August 2021 the trend increased again. However, since November 2021 it's been stalling again.