IO-Link until 2016: Users are content with IO-Link

According to a market survey from Quest TechnoMarketing users are comprehensively content with IO-Link. A boost in the use of IO-Link can be expected until 2016. mehr...

IO-Link: Machine-builders refer to their experiences with IO-Link

In context of the market research from Quest TechnoMarketing machine-builders refer to their experiences with IO-Link. more...

IO-Link in machinery industry 2007 - 2011

IO-Link: Continuously introduced in more and more sectors

IO-Link has been implementing by more and more sectors of the machinery industry. more...

IO-Link: Pros and Cons at its beginning

71% of 300 machine-builders gave a positive feedback to Io-Link in 2007. This feedback was based on constructive pros and cons. more...

Information brochure: "IO-Link - the USB interface for the sensor-actuator-level"

Information about how IO-Link works, its applications and benefits by Dr. Gerhard Drunk and Albert Feinäugle. more...

RFID: Steady implementation

The implementation of RFID shows a constant development during the period of two years. more...