Steady implementation of RFID
The implementation of RFID shows a constant development during the period of two years. It takes place throughout the sectors.
Constant implementation ratio at 14% to 15%

May 31st, 2010 - This year 14% of the investigated machine-builders intend to insert RFID at the machines. Last year this ratio was 15%.
Implementation throughout the sectors
The implementation of RFID is taking place with all or almost all of the 10 investigated sectors.
Partly one only uses RFID on customers request:
- „I/O-Link and RFID are only implemented on related orders.“(Food processing machines)
- „So far one had still no requirement for RFID, however, is checking it being ready to implement it if demanded.“ (Food processing machines)
Partly RFID is inserted with most of the machines.
- „RFID is used for each machine, production plan provides 1000 machines. One uses RFID as mode selector." (Machine tools)
Sometimes thorough test had been preceded.
- „A test system is running regarding temperature stability. This test will now last 1/2 to 1 year….If the test stands… 700 carriages would be equipped with RFID providing traceability.“ (Building/glass/ceramic machines)
These results are based on denominations of scarcely 250 and 230 machine-builders in 10 sectors.