Production and sales of machinery industry March 2024: Production stagnating, sales +8.5% p.a. since 2021
Production and sales monthly analyzed since 2008. more...
Production and sales 2008 - 2023: Five trend stages
It is the multi year analysis that makes visible what is overlooked in the year to year approach. more...
Fluctuations in sales of machinery industry 2000 - 2023: Last new high
The fluctuations of production and sales becoming ever larger after the world economic crisis 2008/2009. more...
Domestic and foreign sales 2008 - 2023: In 2023 sales reach new highs since 2008
Domestic and foreign sales in German machinery industry through long-term analysis. more...
Growth of production of the German machinery industry 1991 - 2023: Three periods of growth
Three growth periods of each 10 and 7 years show up. more...
Crisis indicator 2022: Positive peak in 2022
The report presents the course of the crisis indicator of the German machinery industry from 2008 to 2022. more...
Bollinger Bands: Usefull gauge for production and sales of machinery industry
The application of Bollinger Bands to production and sales of machinery industry is explained. more...