Machinery IndustryRobotics and Automation > Product segments in sector robotics and automation

Product segments in the sector robotics and automation 2022

The four product segments in sector robotics and automation 2008 - 2022

The report identifies the four product segments of the sector robotics and automation, the unit share and sale share of each product segment, and the development of average values in euros from 2008 to 2022. Production and sales of the sector are highlighted by the sector report robotics and automation.

July 3rd, 2023 - The robotics and automation sector is one of the growth sectors in the machinery industry. It is developing well above average in terms of both production and sales compared with the machinery industry.

The indices1 are of course based on real values2. In 2022, sales of robotics and automation machines total to €6.0 bn for 84,400 machines.

The four product segments are coining the sector to a different extent. In 2022 36,800 items of industrial robots constitute 44% of the total number of items of the sector, while their proportional value is significantly lower with 21% and a value of €1.1bn.

Product segments in sector Robotic and Automation 2022.

The 6,600 assembly lines indicate the lowest share of the pieces volume with 8% but the highest proportional value with 38% and a volume of €2.1bn.

Assembly lines and assembly machines with increasing and industrial robots with constant average values

Combining the items of production and their value, we obtain the average value per machine in euro. This feature indicates how strongly a machine is positioned in the market.

On trend, assembly lines show clearly increasing average values from €190,900 (2008) to €316,800 (2022) since 2008.The average value of assembly machines increases from €58,800 to €68,400 during the same period.

Average values of the product segment in sector Robotic and Automation from 2008 to 2022.

Machines for assembly automation halve their average value to €46,000.

The average value of industrial robots decline slightly from €37,700 (2008) to just under €31,000 (2022). One reasons for this development is in-house solutions of robots by those machine-builders that use robots in larger numbers of items.


1 The sector Robotics and Automation covers the four product segments industrial robots, assembling machines, assembly automats and assembly lines. The fifth product segment, handling equipment, is not freely programmable and is therefore excluded here.

2 The official statistics determines value as production, evaluated to selling prices without value added tax. So the difference to the turnover lies mainly in changes of inventories, i.e. value may be understood as turnover with good approximation.