Machinery Industry > Rubber and plastics machinery
Production of rubber and plastics machines from 2008 to 2022 compared to machinery industry.

Production/sales of rubber/plastics machines 2008-2022: Above average development compared to machinery industry

Production and sales of the sector rubber and plastics machinery compared to the entire machinery industry. more...

Industry structure of rubber and plastics machines in the German machinery industry 2022.

Industry structure of firms 2022: Strong group of mid-sized companies

This report highlights the position of the sector companies regarding to their ratio of number, sales and employees. more...

The main export markets of rubber and plastics machines from 2008 to 2017.

Export markets for rubber and plastics machines 2022: Shift in three phases

Those export markets that had helped to overcome the world economic crisis, initially recede into the background and finally become determining. more...

The market shares of the EU countries at rubber and plastics machines 2017.

Market shares EU countries at rubber and plastics machines 2017: Germany leading

Regarding three product segments of the sector rubber and plastics machines with the highest market shares Germany is showing the leading position. more...

The export shares of rubber and plastics machines in comparison with the German machinery industry 2022.

Export structure of rubber and plastics machines 2022: Comparision with machinery industry and degree of concentration

The export structure of rubber and plastic machines is more focused on growing markets. more...