Rare earths: Extraction and structural problems
The world-wide unstable supply situation of rare earths has specific causes. 4 parts aim to identify them trying to make an objective and useful orientation easier. more...
Rare Earths: Supply and demand until 2016
How supply and demand until 2016 are projected. more...
Rare Earths: Price problems
Prices from 2009 to 2012 and their background. more...
Rare Earths: The role of China
Since 1980 China has been following a market policy in regard to rare earths quite similar to that of the oil multis. more...
Interview: Current developments with rare earths for the automation technology
Dr. Harald Elsner, economics geologist in the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Hannover, Germany, discusses current developments like motors with magnetic materials without rare earths. more...
Interview: Recycling of rare earths for the automation
Dr. Matthias Buchert, Head of Division at Oeko-Institut, points out status and outlook of the recycling of rare earths mainly from permanent magnets and nickel metal hydrid batteries. more...